Jolt Graduates from GCxN, Launches Commercialization Strategy

Jolt Graduates from GCxN, Launches Commercialization Strategy

PRESS RELEASE Jolt Energy Storage Technologies Graduates from Shell GameChanger Accelerator Powered by NREL, Launches Commercialization Strategy Organic, grid-scale energy storage technology developing as vanadium alternative for redox flow batteries. 12/14/23 |...
Jolt Featured in Crain’s

Jolt Featured in Crain’s

Excerpt from Crain’s Grand Rapids Business | By Mark Sanchez The founders of Holland-based Jolt Energy Storage Technologies LLC have an ambitious goal to change the way the world uses advanced battery technology.   The company wants to achieve that grand vision...
Jolt Taps Co-founder Jack Johnson as Head of Business Development

Jolt Taps Co-founder Jack Johnson as Head of Business Development

Johnson to leverage years of energy storage commercialization and manufacturing experience for grid-storage technology company July 18, 2023 Holland, MI – Jolt Energy Storage Technologies, an organic grid energy storage company, has hired Jack Johnson as head of...

Tom Guarr Speaks at TEDx Macatawa

Energy Storage: The Key to Clean, Reliable Electricity for Everyone Anything and everything we do requires energy, and the key to using renewable sources that only work when the sun shines or the wind blows will come with our ability to store it. Tom is a native of...